Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Smokey Goes to California
He’s listening to somebody. He’s shading from someone. He’s fearful. He’s out in the water. He’s white with other colors. Here comes trouble! Name is Hot Dog. He’s cute too! He’s a doll. I’ll take him. He’s out in the woods. His family is right there with him. He’s Superman’s dog. He’s a super dog. Hot Dog is a stray. He’s the center of attention for his family. They love and care for him.
There’s a trail and some water. He’s walking a path. I call him to the trail. He’s been cared for. Some of the children may have identified with him. He’s wet and going to get dry.
I want to give him a kiss. His family doesn’t have an idea of what’s happening. This dog I lost. Some children may be crying at home wondering where he is. We can hear - barking, bow-bow, crying for his children, come and get me, whimpering, bow wow I love you.
He looks like a happy and friendly dog. He’s very loved by his family. I’m very friendly with dogs. I’ve had them all my life. They were bull dogs. Hot Dog doesn’t look like a bull dog. He’s interested but a little scared. I have to ask him about how scared I am. I’m not scared but I am concerned about how he’s doing. How he’s being taken care of and if other people are concerned. I want to get him out of the house and off the ground but not forcefully.
He’s thinking it’s time to eat. The dog goes away with the cape on. He’s in the front of it. He’s running away. He’s a good clean dog. I’m going to bathe him. He’s a boy. No, he’s a girl. We smell dog smell and puppy breath. I had a dog named Smokey. I have two dogs. Is it Smokey? He’s looking for another dog. It’s one or the other.
Created by female and male storytellers at San Juan Villa. March 2018.
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