Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Something Make Believe
They are
walking along a warm, sunny beach. Waves are coming in. They are having a
conversation as they are walking along. They’re talking about the weather. It’s
not necessarily warm. It only appears to be warm because of the break in the
icy bank they are approaching.
They jump
into the water and swim to the highest part of the bank they can see. They are
not dressed for winter.
Next, it
seems like they are trying to bask in the sun as they walk, as they stroll
along the beach.
This could
be in Alaska. But, more than likely, it’s down the road from here about sixty
miles at the Philadelphia Zoo. It’s like just the other day you saw the Chinese
pandas sliding down the snowbank.
At the
Philadelphia Zoo, they would see people laughing, clapping and yelling at them
to see if they will jump in the water. These two, though, don’t have a care in
the world. They just stroll and walk around. I wouldn’t be there at the
Philadelphia Zoo today because it’s too cold!
Next, they
got six-feet to make up their minds of whether to get wet again or stay dry. I
didn’t stay to find out. I went to the exit to get to my car and came back
here. Back home I thought to myself, “Did they really get wet?” They brought
the experience to me.
Epilogue: I
saw a whole lot of them in Australia. Their annual swim. They keep going until
they get to warmer weather.
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