Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
“Story of Sam”
This is Sam. It’s 11:30 on a Sunday in Brooklyn Park and he’s bird hunting. Shooting. (Although, he’s missing most of them. He’s not very good at it.) You can hear the “boom” of his gun and smell the fire from it, too.
Sam is married to Angela Sarah and they have six children: three boys and three girls. Boy, are they busy!
Sam doesn’t work. He used to have a job, but he left it for some reason. He was a bird hunter. Now, he needs to look for a new job, because he has a wife and children. He’ll probably grab the first job available. Maybe it will be something like counting birds.
Sam likes to go out and hunt though, and help his family and other people. He thinks he’s doing a good deed. He prefers this job here, because the family needs food very badly.
He sees birds in the air and He gets a bird for every “boom”; his family thinks he’s great. And he’s taking care of others who need help. So he has two purposes. He’s a good man. He’s told God that he’s ready for peace, home, sleep, rest, and love. Most of all, for love.
Only...he shouldn’t shoot birds constantly. He should let some of them just fly.
No one is there with Sam, but his family is on the way. Unfortunately, Angela Sarah got detained talking to people in the park next door. Soon, however, his family will meet and greet him and they will all go to have something to eat. And Sam will be voted #1 in a bird shooting contest that he’ll enter and win.
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