Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
This darling, cute, happy, alert little pup; with ears bent forward like a puppy is looking us over. His name is, "SuperPup!" It's cold, but he's not bothered by the weather because he has a blanket, a robe, a cape. We say he came from outerspace and his cape gives him super powers. His cape makes him super!
He's not counting on anyone else to take away his powers. His bark is his power.
"Bark, Bark", "Arp, arp!"
He's controlling this bunch of women! He's sure controlling the conversation in here today.
We're an easy catch!
He has an arrogant little face, but he's not arrogant. He's looking us over. He's curious and smart. He's a friend of, "Pluto." He's thinking,
"Where am I?"
"Here I am!"
"See me? I'm the king!"
"Watch this!"
He likes attention.
He's sitting on a rug or a towel. It's soft. He's waiting for the next act to begin. He's waiting for someone to tell him what to do. He's waiting to take over.
"How much is that doggie in the window...
The one with the waggily tail...
How much is that doggie in the window...
I sure hope that doggie is for sale..."
He's not begging or sniffing around. He's waiting patiently for someone to come.
"Hmmm... what have they got?"
"Where are they going?"
"What are they up to?"
"Where did they go?"
I want to take him home. "Come doggie!" "Here puppy, puppy" See if he follows.
He has to protect himself.
If you had that pup, he'd be seftic to me.
He sees a cat! "That will perk him up!" "oh boy!" He wants milk.
Other titles we considered were, "The Lost Puppy", "Patient Pup" and "Best Leg Forward."
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