Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The Adventures of Babe and Fluff
The dog and
cat are at the tree and they are not supposed to be. I put them away for the
evening. Somehow or another they found a way to get out of the room they were
in to go to the Christmas tree.
They were examining
the tree, jumped over the tree and knocked it down. The tree went down with a “CRRRRASH!”
The cat,
named Babe because she is tiny, meowed. The dog, named Fluff, he whimpered. There
was some other family in the room. Everybody laughed, of course.
My son
rushed over and picked up the Christmas tree. “Now, I know you are both
excited, but we don’t want to knock over the tree,” he said.
There is the
odor of cookies baking in the kitchen. I had just made up a batch of food on
the stove for the dog. He was sniffing the air. The odor was attracting his
attention. His ears were perked. His tail was wagging. He knew that this was evidently
made for him because he had smelled the same odors before.
After the
food was taken off of the stove, whoever took the food off the dog then
followed them to the table because he had smelled it before.
The dog goes
over and sits at the bottom of the table and whines because he had smelled the
odors and thought they were for him.
The cat
feels sort of left out, so she followed the dog and sat with him and meowed.
Next, they
pick up the Christmas tree, got everything in order, came over to the table and
put the food in the dish because they had to let it cool. They sat it in a safe
place and waited for the cooling procedure to happen. The dog whined and the
cat meowed, again, because they thought they were going to be fed immediately!
We explained
to them that it wasn’t time for them to eat. When everything was cooled it
would be time for them. They would be served. The cat meowed and the dog whined
– again! Whether it was time for them to eat or not, they were ready.
After the
food had been cooled, the server took pity on them and divided the food between
the two of them. The cat meowed; the dog whined. They stood there eating their
food with almost a SMILE on their faces.
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