Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The Adventures of Johnny and His Wife
This story takes place in Ireland (TJ) and is about 2 school aged children. The girl in front, Beverly, is about 13 years old, and Johnny, the boy in the back, is about 10 years old (JL). Beverly and Johnny don’t really know each other, and they both just got off the bus after school and are walking home near a cornfield (PB & JL). They probably should hurry because it might rain (TJ)! There are clouds in the sky. This is probably set in the fall….it is cooler and a bit foggy (PB). Beverly is wondering what mom is cooking at home (JL). She is an only child, but she has a cat and a miniature horse. She has a worried look on her face because she is thinking/worrying about how she did on her test at school (JL). Johnny is going home to eat (JL). He is also looking at Beverly thinking she looks a little familiar to him (JL) or maybe thinking she is cute (PB). He might even be “mad at her b/c she turned him down!” (JL) Johnny has a dog & younger brother (JL), who though they don’t always get a long, really love each other (PB). Both of their families work in the cornfields (PB). Beverly’s hobbies are riding her horse (JL), reading (GB), playing guitar (JL), and using Facebook to talk to friends (TJ). She’s a good girl and a great student! (JL) Johnny likes to fish (TJ) and play marbles (JL).
On their walk, Beverly and Johnny can hear birds (PB), the wind blowing, and the sounds of other nearby farms (cows, pigs, chickens) (JL). They can smell corn (JL) and manure (TJ). When they grow up, Beverly will get off the farm (TJ), move to America to go to college (JL), do some modeling, become a psychiatrist (TJ) or a teacher (GB). Johnny wants to hurry up and finish high school, move on to college, and become a doctor (JL). Eventually, they will become great friends, and Beverly will help Johnny get through school (JL). When they are in their early 30s, they will even get married! (TJ)
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