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The Adventures of Prince Albert: Alaska
February 9, 2021
In the winter of 1950 on February 14th, there was a Street Dog at the piggly wiggly. He was the talk of the town for being scraggly, smelly, and very skittish.
Everyday he would try to to dig out the trash from the garbage cans next to the main entrances and exits. He was always smelling like Rotted Onions and old spoiled Milk. No one every paid attention to hiim, he was practicaly not even there.
The Dog had been there going on a couple months. He was dropped off by a family who was traveling back to Anchorage from Juneau and couldn't take him to there new home. He was left outside by the road in a cardboard box. He wondered into the piggly wiggly from a hole in the back room by the storage unit. He made his self a little place to sleep on some pillows he pushed on the floor with his little nose. He went aound in circles a couple times to make the pillows more comfortable and he laid on them and was fast asleep.
Early in the morning on december 28, the Man and his son who owned the store , unlocked and opened up the Piggly Wiggly. As they were unlocking all the doors and seting up for the day, the man heard his young son calling out to him. When the Man found the boy he was on the ground with a puppy on top of him smelling him and licking his face. As soon as the puppy seen the man he ran from him down the isles. The little boy ran chasing after the puppy hoping to get him before his dad did. When the other staff got there. They cornered him into the food storage room hoping to be able to catch him. They found some Hotdogs nearby and tried to dangle them in front of the puppy so he would come to them, but the little boy squeezed though the legs of the staff and the puppy came right to him. From then on the Puppy was attached to the little boy. The Boy Named him Albert.
The boy tried and tried to get his dad to let him keep Albert, but his dad said no every time because they were not allowed to have pets where they lived. Obviously they couldnt have it live in the piggly wiggly either so they allowed him to stay outside and they fed and watered him every day.
As time went on and the boy started growing up Albert and him were very close. Then came the love of his life and was also his sisters best friend growing up. Her name is Mary Ann.
Now, the boy is 16 and considered one of the most handsome guys in the county according to an article in the Alaskan Times. He is not what you think, he is very sweet, kind,and loves to help others. He still helps his dad at the piggly wiggly.
The Boy and Mary Ann have now started to court and have a relationship. He descided to have her meet Albert. so he brought Mary Ann to the piggly wiggly. Once they got there Albert came running to the boy before they every parked. he was so excited to see the boy. he jumped up into the truck like he always did and to his suprise he seen Mary Ann. Almost Immediatly Albert and Mary Ann were loving on each other as if they had known eah other for a long time. it was an immediate connection. she started laughing and called out to the boy," Michael, he is the most Amazing Dog ever!" "Hello Prince Albert", said Mary Ann. From then on Mary Ann and Michael Called him Prince Albert.
Four years later now and they were just engaged! Prince Albert will be there at the wedding as their ring berrer!
The End
Wp Residents
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