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Stories from Around the World
The Bird Trainer’s Story
An Eagle, I see a Falconer. I don't want that. Call him Fireball, Fire Falcon. Trainer, David.
A falconer glove, so your hands don't get cut by the bird.
I see glasses right there. A cup of coffee Fireball. Coffee's not Fireball, it's whiskey.
Training the falcon. A movie fly. Thier doing what he's going to do. Doing what he's doin'. Having a party with it. Showing demonstrations. What he can or can't do. To hunt prey.
Popcorn. Eagles probably stink...and people. Dirt. It looks like some sort of school or church. Children playing. Happy birthday.
Teacher teaching students. Talking, chatter.
Spring or fall. I'm going to say fall, people have alot of clothing on.
This one. Let me see this one. Could there be children there to watch? I don't see anyone else in the picture that relates to this. I see people in the background there. Could have been three.
Excitement. All the people there, for all the goodies. I'm clueless. So they can watch the eagle perform. I have no clue.
Their going to say a few words, maybe the falcon, maybe some tricks. We are going to bite you. He's hungry. We don't know whats in that cup, he's expecting a treat. The man is watching the bird out of the corner of his eye. They can be dangerous if you don't have them trained right. It could get tired of waiting and bite you. Crazy bird.
Bird feed, cracker, little mouse's, pizza and worms. They'll eat lizards, gummy worms.
It will fly away to a place to sleep. Probably take a poop and brush his teeth. He's going to sit down and rest, then train another bird and then follow the example of the bird.
Elders: Darlene K., Dorothy R., Bonnie M., Janet C., Margo H., Richard B., Bobbie D., Gwen T.
Grandchildren: Hunter, Westley, Wyatt
Scribe: Sarah
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