Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The Boy Who Loved Planes
Aww, he’s a cute little boy. He’s flying a paper airplane. His name is Peter. He’s 5 years old.
“Whew, whew, whew!” He makes that sound when he’s flying the airplane. Don’t you remember doing that as a kid? Didn’t we all do that sort of thing? I don’t remember! I didn’t – I played with dolls. I made paper airplanes, and after I became a mom, I made them for my kids.
He’s toothless. Or maybe he’s already got some teeth, right in the middle.
He’s going to grow up and fly a big airplane. But right now, he’s going to take a nap after he finishes playing. He’s going to make model airplanes – after the nap and later on.
When he grows up, he’s going to go aviation school and become a pilot. He’ll go in the service for the aviation school – it’s so very expensive otherwise.
We’re assuming it’s peace time. If things stay the way they are, you could be in the service for more time and make it a career. In peace time, you would go to flight school and work for a major airline. He’ll work for T.W.A.
The boy – grown up – became a man.
[After the story, we made a paper airplane and took turns flying it across the circle.]
--Created on 6-24-2014
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