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Stories from Around the World
The Dog That Everybody is Interested In
There's a parade. It's a puppy. He's running behind his boss. The puppy looks like he's riding something. There's a bunch of people there. There are their shoes. He's riding a pair of flats. His mom might have given them to him. He's running and jumping. It looks like he's on a rug. Let's call him Bob, that's my name.
Is the dog a male or a female? A male. You don't let a female dog out on the street, not in this neighborhood! He's a young little dog. He's got that hound mixed color, those spots like on a hound. The spots are staggered around his body. He might be on the terrier side, a mix, a mutt.
He's looking at something. Like a truck or something exciting. We'll never know what he's looking at. He's standing on the shoe. It's part of the job he's looking at. At least he's got enough sense to stay out of the road.
He's listening to the engines of the cars and trucks going by. It's a combination of things. He's looking and listening. He's no dummy. He's got a short tail. He's got bigger paws than some dogs.
We don't know his full capacity yet. He's only a pup. The young man, the owner, is going to be Bob's teacher. We can give him a name. The owner's name is Denny. "Come on, get back here, little dog." Denny is the man the dog is living with as a "coming up" dog.
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