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Stories from Around the World
The End of Santa’s 1944 Christmas Shift
Mrs. Claus hands Santa his cup of post-present-delivery coffee, as he took a load off in his favorite arm chair. Santa converses with his head elf, whose named Albert, about what they encountered during their 1944 Christmas rounds.
An hour into their rounds, Santa and Albert encountered a bear family that was intrigued by their presence. When the sled landed, the papa bear engaged Santa's sled. He circled the sleigh, and began gnawing on various parts, but he couldn't make out the threat level of the sleigh. Just as the bear family started walking away, Santa and Albert came out of the house. Santa tells the bears to "just be cool". He instructed Albert to pull out some food gifts from the magical toy bag, and to hand them to the bears. Showing appreciation, the bears took their gifts, left Santa alone, and proceeded home.
Albert and Santa get in the sleigh, and continue their rounds, and things go smoothly for awhile. Then, they approached a house in Wichita, CA. The duo parked the sled, grabbed the magical gift bag, and slid down the chimney. Towards the end of their present delivery, little Michael came downstairs and saw Santa with his own 2 eyes. Michael observed them and moved closer, until Albert was alerted to his presence. Albert nudged Santa, and all 3 of them panicked. Michael ran upstairs and hid under the covers, while Albert and Santa jumped up the chimney, and sped away in the sleigh.
Thank goodness, the rest of their deliveries were rather normal. However, this changed when Albert and Santa had reached the north pole on their way home. Prancer and Dasher got their antlers tangled, and instead of the sleight landing on the runway, Santa landed on top of a large tree trunk. Luckily, Frosty the Snowman was there to lend a branch, and he helped Albert and Santa get home safely.
Albert told Santa, "Yeah Santa, that was quite a difficult Christmas shift. I'm glad that we are home now!"
By: Bertha, Patricia, Marsha and Deborah
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