Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The Epic Space Adventures of Jerry, Lucy and Shawn, or Pop Goes the Weasel and the Dream is Over
The year is 1960. The kids are having fun and are feeling joy. They are making bubbles. They know each other because they've lived in the same neighborhood for about a year. That's Jerry "Cow" Johnson in the middle. He's 7 years old and he doesn't like his coat. His head is in a bubble. Jerry is an only child and he lives with his parents, Fred and June, in the teal house. Fred works for a paper manufacturing company and June is a stay at home mom. Jerry made a balloon behind Lucy and it's about to pop.
Jerry will eventually float to a new neighborhood on the moon. He will secretly be the first to land on the moon. He's happy to get away from the girls but he'll be lonely on the moon alone.
Lucy Charlotte Albright is the small girl on the right. Her favorite color is purple and she lives in the purple house. She's 4 years old and lives alone. She's actually 400 years old due to time travel.
Lucy works at a dental association even though all she eats is candy. She has 7 siblings. They are moon giraffes. She wears beads on her heard.
Lucy also has a part time job at Junk N Stuff where she gets a bubble discount from the owner, Marty McFly.
Lucy thinks about all of the mistakes that she's made in her life. She applies for another part time job at McDonalds. She's hoping for parents to care for her. Lucy can't blow her own bubble.
That's Shawn Heart Sheep on the right. He's 11 years old and is also a space traveler. He's going to Pluto. He travels in Marty McFly's car, a DeLorean, which is parked in front of his green house. He lives with his grand parents and 18 cats. All of the cats names are Doug--Doug Senior, Doug Junior, Doug the third, Doug the fourth, and so on. They are secretly leaders of their own universe. Like humans, they love Italian food. But because of them, Shawn's house will be condemned.
There's a tube above the tree which Shawn will use to travel to Pluto. But he'll need a bubble for every cat. On Pluto, he'll open an Italian restaurant and everyone will get free spumoni!
Lucy and Shawn are jealous of Jerry's coat. Does Jerry want to be in the bubble or is Shawn putting him there? The bubbles are going to freeze and it's going to freeze Jerry's face.
The bubbles will become space helmets on their heads and feet. The bubbles will transport them in time.
They all go to the Empire State Building. They jump off and each land in a bubble to go to space. But first, they will jump off of the porches into the snow banks!
Pop goes the weasel!
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