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The Farmer Who Became a Scupltor or Who, What, Where, When and
Sue says his name is Malcolm John Henry. He was a potter according to ? but Mable and Rose think he is a “Future Farmer” because he raises chicken now. However, Lura says, that he plans to make chicken sculptures and that is why John Henry has the chickens around him, to use them as his models.
John Henry is in a barnyard right in front of Montreat in Florence, Alabama, said Betty. Judy thinks he may be ninety-two years old or at least in his forties. Marsha says he’s only twelve or thirteen and if he’s a hillbilly that’s about the right marryin’ age up in the hills.
In John Henry’s spare time he reads about farming and he reads the the 23rd Psalm, “The Lord Is My Shepherd”. He likes hearing the chickens clucking and the roosters cocka-doodle-doing and the cows mooing on his farms. He owns farms in Alabama, Tennessee, and St. Louis. He even has a dog named Rover and a pet goat named Cheesy.
Everyone thinks that if John Henry had a million dollars he would get off the farm and go to places like Mt. Everest, Ireland, and just tour all over the world.
Story by Montreat Residents:
Betty H.
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