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Stories from Around the World
The lonely naughty Boy
June 11, 2019
By the participants of Active Age at Simblija Care Home
It happens in England in his home.
He did something naughty -
That's Mummy's biscuit box.
I think she's very poor by the looks of it.
She asking for money.
She's taking a cookie from the cookie jar and she's going to eat it.
It's a chocolate chip
Its a he - not a girl.
His name is Warren and he's about 6 or 8 years old.
He's wearing old clothes and he's naughty.
Look at his trouser's - they're torn
nowadays its the fashion !
He's being closed in a room because he's naughty.
He's hiding from his mum.
Even the dog looks surprised he's got food in the box.
He's clever because he even took a drink in with him.
The dog is guarding him or her. The dog is surprised and smelling the chocolate.
He is collecting money or food from passersby.
It looks like he lives in a fancy place - a lovely place.
the dog looks more surprised than Warren.
He's called Fido.
He will become an architect
He's a beggar and will remain one.
I think its taken from a play 'The Seven Brothers'
I think he's hiding from others who could take his chocolate.
His mum will come to scold him.
If it's in England it's always dull.
He plays the mouth organ whilst begging.
When he plays he will get money or be ignored and goes home.
His mother will be kind
'Don't do it again' !
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