Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
“The Love Boat”
This story takes place in Rome, Italy, during the beautiful summer months. Uncle Billy is playing the violin for the travelers walking through the port of where cruise ships dock. In the background, you see the infamous Bonnie & Clyde. You see them hand in hand appearing as they are normal vactioners, blending into the crowd. However, in reality, they are scheming about their next crime. As you hear the melodies of the violin and the hum of the crowd, Bonnie & Clyde plot to steal the violinists' tip box which will aid in their commandeering of the newest Cruise Ship "The Love Boat," which recently became the newest home of "the Heart of the Ocean" diamond.
Unbeknownst to Bonnie & Clyde, Uncle Billy and his cousin Vinny, who is hidden in the shadows (you must look closely to find him sitting next to him) also have a plot to capture "the Heart of the Ocean" diamond off of "The Love Boat." As Bonnie & Clyde steal the tip box from Uncle Billy with their swift ninja-like moves, Uncle Billy with his 75 year old swiftness, jumps to his feet and begins chasing them down.
Both pairs make it onto "The Love Boat." They all begin their hunt for "the Heart of the Ocean" located in the Captain's Quarters. As they look around the ship, they suddenly realize that they are amongst all of the world's most infamous mobsters. They begin to think, maybe we are not the only ones after this hidden gem. Uncle Billy and cousin Vinny's first perogative is to get their tip box back from Bonnie & Clyde, becasue within this box is the treasure map to find exactly where on the "the Love Boat" is this hidden diamond.
On one of the decks of the ship, Tommy the Tank, Jimmy the Fish, Benny the Blade and Tommy Two-tone mobsters are watching the situation unfold. They begin to realize that others are there for the same reason. "How will we get this hidden gem with all of these mobsters around," they ask. As Uncle Billy and Vinny approach the couple from behind, you can hear in the background one of the mobsters yelling "throw him to the sharks!" (which was his known catch phrase). Uncle Billy grabs his box back and Cousin Vinny pushes Clyde overboard. "SPLASH!"
The crew on the ship throw Clyde a life saver, and he climbs back aboard. When Clyde looks at the crew member's staff Tshirt, he sees the name of the ship written across it "The Queen 2" and then realized they boarded the wrong ship!! Disappointed and defeated, Bonnie & Clyde overtake a room on board and make the best out of their trip by making love on "The Love Boat."
The End
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