Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The Lucky Penguins
Peter and Penny are two penguins that are watching their children swim in the springtime, off of the coast of Antarctica. They are the parents of six adorable baby penguins. Every now and then they hear loud, thunderous claps from the nearby ice cracking. Peter and Penny can see, as well as hear hundreds of seagulls flying overhead.
Then all of a sudden, Peter is alerted to the presence of a sea lion as it approaches the baby penguins. Larry the sea lion is very hungry. The hunger draws him increasingly closer to the penguin family. Peter calls his babies over and without skipping a beat, the baby penguins begin running toward their parents for protection.
Peter and Penny must act fast to save their babies, and themselves, or they may become Larry's dinner. Penny sees an ice berg floating in the distance. Peter and Penny guide their children towards the ice berg. The penguin family scatter to the security of the ice berg and climb on. They made it just in time because Larry almost caught Penny. Larry sees that there is no possible way to scale the ice berg, so he gives up, and leaves the area searching for another source for his dinner.
The penguin family's new ice berg home takes them out to sea, and into a shipping lane. The penguins all fall asleep until the increasing rocking of the ice berg wakes them up. They discover an Oil Tanker heading right towards them! The ship runs over the penguins new home and destroys it into ice cubes. But luckily, the penguin family dives off just in time, and they swim away. These baby penguins will certainly have some stories and advice to share with their future off spring!
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