Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The miserable one
They need to take them skirts off. They’re too heavy for a swing.
They’re called Harriet and Ruth.
They’re 50 and 70. They never are – they’re about 50. They’re 59.
It’s in Liverpool, in 1927 in the winter. No it’s not in Liverpool – it’s outside Liverpool.
They met in town, on Duke Street. They were going for a walk and nosing to see what’s in the shops.
They’ve got jobs – they work in the laundry. They don’t like it there as it’s hard work.
One looks miserable. The other one is taking no notice. They’re talking about who she can cop off with.
They’re by themselves. They’re in St John’s Market in town. They used to have swings and that sort of thing there.
They can hear music. There’s not much there.
They want to meet a boyfriend in the laundry. They most probably will.
After this they fall out.
By Heather, Frank and Margaret
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