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Stories from Around the World
The Tale of Two Sisters (Happily Ever After)
By the storytellers of St. Teresa's
It looks like they're in the early 19th century.
Those are very unusual hats, but ordinary for the Victorian era, the blouse, the skirts.
They must be at a fair, the seaside in England.
It looks like a beach - that's what they call the seaside in England.
They arrived in a carriage.
They're riding, they're sitting in a tent, in a camp. They don't like the wind, they don't want it to ruffle their clothes.
Maybe they're sisters or friends.
The British like to go to the ocean to get the good air.
They don't like to be ruffled, don't ruffle their feathers!
So these two are British: they look British with their outfits, like the Victorian Era.
They're kind of stiff.
If they're sisters, they're probably friendly (let's hope!).
One has a smile on her face, the other is kind of stiff: she's looking at the flower on the hat saying "That's a bit too much."
The chairs, the beach chairs are kind of old, it looks like a swing.
Sometimes when you go to sit in them they collapse and then they lose their dignity - and then some!
The happy one is Fran, the other is Franny because she's a frump.
She looks like a real stiff person. She doesn't approve much of anything.
She's the only one with a decent outfit.
She's got a stiff upper lip.
She must be the oldest, she looks old.
She's forgotten how to smile.
She has her ankles crossed but the other one looks more relaxed. You can tell one from the other by their feet.
She has a book in her lap.
She's unmarried and will stay unmarried with a face like that.
They want a man - certainly the younger one. I don't know about the older one, she'd probably kill him.
She probably wouldn't like him, being the frump that she is.
He wouldn't be good enough for her. She's gonna be an old maid.
She already is and she'll stay that way!
They're very pretty - the younger one, the older one could use a little work.
Maybe she's jealous of her sister, she's kind of frumpish. "I'm better than you," "I'm perfect, that's why I look the way I do."
If that's the way perfect looks, forget it, I'd rather be ugly!
They're at the beach, probably Brighton Beach.
I think the older sister wants to leave - she'd rather be primping.
The younger sister is having a good time.
They will go for cotton candy - maybe that'll sweeten the older one.
She's got such a look on her face: she looks mad, angry, jealous, she doesn't want to be there.
She's jealous because her sister is prettier and has a boyfriend.
He's handsome and rich and wants to marry her but he doesn't want the older one at the wedding - she's so ugly she'd probably break the camera!
There's not much nice to say about her - the face that would crack a mirror.
That poor woman, no one likes her.
She's uglier than a hedge fence!
Fran gets married and Franny is the maiden Aunt.
She might be pretty if she ever smiled - it's a possibility, not a probability.
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