Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The Yellow Butterfly /Il-farfett l-isfar
By the storytellers at St. Vincent De Paul
There's a pensioner walking at the back.
The butterfly is stuck here.
He's walking with his stick, with the butterfly.
A flying butterfly.
When I was young, we used to draw using a 'biro', and the painting which had the nicest colours, would win.
A colourful butterfly
An old man, poor love
His name is Gwanni
He's going to Birzebbugia
He's off for a walk with the butterfly
Don't forget, he's got his stick !
He's sitting on a bench, in the cool breeze
He's off shopping
He's going for a walk towards Sliema,
'Ghar id-Dud'
His wings fluttering
He opens his wings.
There's the sound of feet and the walking stick.
The sound of bombs
The sound of the butterfly.
A cloudy day, Thursday
or Wednesday,
It's Winter, its raining, it's raining!
It's splitting up.
When I was young, I painted a butterfly
just like this, three times,
and I always won!
The butterfly is flying off.
He doesn't fly
He's 'stuffed'
He opens it in front of him.
Hemm wiehed pensjonant qed jimxi wara.
Il-farfett imwahhal hemm.
Qieghed jimxi bil-bastun,mal farfett.
Ragel xih bil-bastun.
Farfett qed itir.
Meta kont zghir, konna npinguh, bil-'biro',
u ta min jigi l-isbah bil-kuluri, kien jirbah.
Farfett bil-kuluri
Nannu xih miskin
Jismu Gwanni
Sejjer B'Bugia
Sejjer Jimxi mal-farfett
Tinsiex, ghandu l-bastun !
Sejjer joqghod fuq bank, ghal frisk
Sejjer jixtri
Sejjer jimxi lejn Tas-Sliema
Ghar Id-Dud
Gwienhajh iferfru
Jiftah gwiehajh.
Hoss tas saqajn u l-bastun.
Il-hoss tal-bombi
Hoss tal-farfett
Gurnata msahhba, il-Hamis.
jew L-Erbgha,
Ix xitwa, ix-xita, ix-xita.
Bhal dan, meta kont tifel
pingejthu tlett darbiet
U dejjem irbaht bih.
Ha jtir il-Farfett.
Dak ma jtirx
Dak Ibbalzmat
Jifthu quddiem wiccu.
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