Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Toni u Karmni
Hemm Pupa Bajda
Jisimha Giga jew Gigi
Qeghdin fuq il-bank
Grat 50 sena ilu
Zewgt irgiel fuq is-sufan
Fuq is-sufan ma jistax jkunu
Zewgt irgiel jittawlu minn fuq is-sufan
Mara u Ragel
Salvina u Toni
Ghax ghamlu l-istorja
Ghandhom 10 u 15 il sena
Mar jittantha
X'qeghdin jghidu?
Jitkellmu bejniethom?
Qed jittanta l-habiba
Jisimghu Qaghqa - tigiega
Tifel zghir u nahseb il-kbir tieghu
Qed ibusu lil xulxin
Qed jeghmesha
Sejrin jiddevertu wara
Xi haga qawwija
Halli tkun tista taghmel li trid
There's a white doll
Her name is Giga or Gigi
They're on the bench
It happened 50 years ago
Two men on the sofa
They can't be on the sofa
Two men peeping from the sofa
A man and a woman
Salvina and Toni
They're happy
Because they made up a story
They're 10 and 15 years old
He went to 'tease' her
What are they saying?
They're whispering?
He's 'teasing' the friend.
They heard a cluck - chicken
It's a young kid and his elder brother
They're kissing each other
Looking at each other
He's winking at her
They're going for a night on the town later
in the streets -
Don't confuse me!
Something strong,
so you can do what you like
in the valleys.
By the storytellers at : Dar Padova
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