Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Traffic Light Love Story
The light turns red at an intersection when two cars pull up. Leaning out of the window of one car is a female dog named Sunny. A car on the left pulls up with another dog leaning out if its window. This dog isn’t a female though, it’s a boy dog named Poppa. Poppa tells Sunny that he likes her bandanna and boy oh boy do sparks begin to fly!
Sunny and Poppa have to be quick because the light is about to turn green and their masters are going to end up driving away. Poppa asks Sunny out on a date. The dogs decide to have a romantic date at the Wuffderful Pizza Café!
The dogs arrive and Poppa calls the waiter over to the table and says, “We want to order a pup-peroni pepperoni with sausage and extra cheese pizza please!” For dessert, the dogs order vanilla ice-cream. But before they can even enjoy it, Sunny says that she has a 9:00pm curfew. So the dogs have to leave early before either of them can even take a bite of their ice cream. What a bummer!
Sunny and Poppa have their owners’ drive them home. Poppa walks Sunny to the door and says, “I’ll see you later!”
“No, wait…lets go out again! I had fun today and I hope you did too.” Sunny proclaims.
Sunny and Poppa decide that next time they will go out on a second date to an Italian restaurant at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. Sunny’s owner Louise and Poppa’s master Chester organize the second date as a candle-light dinner with spaghetti and meatballs. The date went well enough that even Chester and Louise begin dating. Eventually, Chester and Louise begin to date and eventually they begin a relationship. Later down the road, Chester proposes to Louise and they live happy ever after.
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