Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Two Birds in Love
“Two Birds in Love”
Storytellers: Donna, Betty, Barbara, Angie, Penny, Bill, Dorane
Here we see Batwoman flexing her muscles to Dumbfounded, her husband. They are sightseeing on Pike’s Slough in Alaska in the spring of 2022. They are visiting from Flagstaff. Recently married, they met on a walk in Denali park. Boatwoman has 5 members in her family while Dumbfounded has 4 family members. It is quiet on the slough. One can hear birds chirping, beavers slapping the water with their tails and the sound of motorboats.
Here’s the conversation they have:
Batwoman: I’m stronger than you are!
Dumbfounded: Oh no not!
Batwoman: Baloney!
Dumbfounded: Wait a minute!
Batwoman: I’ll beat you up!
Dumbfounded: Not in your wildest dreams!
Then they kiss and make up. They end up back in their cabin to celebrate their honeymoon.
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