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Uno The Super Dog
This is Uno The Super Dog. Sara is the owner of Uno . Sara was looking for a dog at the Humane Society when she spotted Uno. He was so cute and she couldn't leave with out him! So, she took him home. I wasn't long before Sara realized Uno had super powers.
One day, Sara was getting Uno's food when out of the corner of her eye she spotted Uno flying around house! Uno became very impatient with how slow Sara was at getting his food. Sara saw Uno's food moving but there didn't appear to be anyone or anything in the kitchen with her. Uno's collar seemed to be floating around his food bowl. Uno not only could fly but was able to become invisible!
In the house there also lived Ruby The Evil Master Mind. Ruby could shoot lasers from her eyes, fly, and when Ruby ate metal she could grow wolverine claws.
Ruby was used to running the house and was not happy to have Uno The Super Dog living there! After all, she already had Boo The Sensei Cat to deal with.
Boo was a very wise teacher and taught Ruby everything he knew. Eventually, Ruby thought she was to powerful to listen to Boo. Soon, Ruby became "Ruby The Evil Master Mind".
Now, we should mention that several years ago Sara had a dog named Cooper. Sadly, Cooper had run away. Sara thought Cooper was gone for good. That is actual reason she was looking for a dog at the Humane Society.
Suddenly Sara heard someone barking at the door! It was Cooper!!! He had returned, but it wasn't long before Sara realized Cooper had changed...
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