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Stories from Around the World
Walking in Air
If my feet could talk, they would say...
I'm tired.
I hurt.
I want to skip.
Take my shoes off!
My nerves hurt deep down.
Hot dogs!
If my feet could thank me, they would say...
Good shoes.
Tennis shoes.
Air Condition.
Thank you.
Put me in some warm water!
Going swimming!
That's what helps us swim-paddling, moving our arms.
(Singing) These shoes are made for walking and that's just what they'll do. One of these days these shoes are gonna walk all over you.
I think that just about does it. (laughing)
Too tight shoes.
Ow! Shoes don't fit.
My feet would take me...
In the water.
To work. Both of my feet.
Home, to my husband. (tearing up)
To Temple (TX), to the cemetery where my parents and husband are buried...and I'd stay a little while. (dreamingly)
These feet can take me anywhere!
I would go see the world! I would travel and travel and travel...and see Europe! And I would show my family all of the world that God has shown to me.
To church. Every Sunday.
Beautiful feet.
Baby feet.
Clean, smooth.
I wouldn't say mine are pretty feet! (laughing)
Authors: Doris, Genevieve, Pat, Delores, Phyllis, Allyne, Patsy, and Darlene
Brenham Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Scribe: Kathe Forrest
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