

What’s the latest on why and how creativity works?

Here you’ll find excerpts of research studies that show the power of TimeSlips.
Let them help you make the argument to introduce TimeSlips to your care setting!

TimeSlips Summary of Evidence

TimeSlips (2022)

Researchers interested in the outcomes of TimeSlips have investigated various effects on individuals with dementia as well as ways participation in TimeSlips sessions affects staff, volunteers, and the wider community. TimeSlips Summary of Evidence presents these research projects and their findings.

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TimeSlips Improves Students’ Attitudes Toward Older Adults in Service Learning

Heuer, Sabine (2020)

TimeSlips is an evidence-based, patient-centered approach well suited to address challenges in the preparation of Communication Sciences and Disorders students to work with the growing population of older adults.

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Creative Expression (CE) Therapy Benefits Elderly Chinese with Dementia

Rong Lin, Hui-Ying Chen, Hong Li, Jing Li (2019)

This study provides preliminary evidence that CE therapy developed in the study benefits elderly Chinese with dementia. The findings indicated that non-pharmacological intervention programs – CE therapy – can be applied in the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia.

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Generativity in Creative Storytelling: Evidence From a Dementia Care Community

The Gerontological Society of America | January 22, 2020

The findings reveal generative identities held by persons living with dementia, which help destigmatize dementia. The findings also shed light on why creative group storytelling may affect multiple positive outcomes for its participants.

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TimeSlips Improves Attitudes and Engagement

Fritsch, Thomas, (2009) Gerontologist

“…residents in the TS facilities were more engaged and more alert. In TS facilities, there were more frequent staff–resident interactions, social interactions, and social engagement. Also, staff who participated in TS had more positive views of residents with dementia and devalued residents less than did the control group staff.”

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TimeSlips Fosters Play and Joy

Swinnen, de Medeiros & Pruchno (2018)

Close readings of the transcripts and notes from the programs resulted in three observations: people learned to play again, there is power in playing together, and play often led to expressions of joy. Overall, the notion of play may be a helpful framework for future research into innovative arts-based approaches to dementia care.

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TimeSlips Improves Communication in Mid-late Stages

Bahlke (2010)

Positive communication changes in addition to maintained or improved quality of life were observed. Implementing a creative expression program such as TS for those in the middle to late stages of dementia improves social connectedness and communicative interactions.

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TimeSlips Benefits Quality of Life in Mild and Moderate Dementia

Vigliotti (2018) American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

Overall, our longitudinal evaluation of TimeSlips using validated observational instruments found that participation in the program confers greater relative benefits on QOL and patient–caregiver interactions for participants with mild to moderate dementia.”

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TimeSlips Enhances Quality of Life

George, D., & Houser, W. (2014)

There were specific benefits for residents (increased creativity, improved quality of life, positively altered behavior, and involvement in meaningful activity), staff members (learning new practices, developing a deeper understanding of residents, involvement in meaningful activity, and thinking creatively around programmatic challenges), and the nursing home community (nurturing relationships and improved atmosphere).

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TimeSlips Improves Medical Student Attitudes

George, D., (2011) Gerontologist

“…the first known pilot study to suggest that participation in a creative group-based storytelling program might improve medical student attitudes toward persons with dementia.”

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