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Featured Projects
Wendy’s Neverland Inspire someone to think a little differently – with no right or wrong answers. Summary We’ve turned this incredible two-year TimeSlips project with elders into a series of bite size creative workshops and worksheets. Now you can reimagine the story of Peter Pan at home or in care communities. Perfect for all ages!
TimeSlips Certified Trainer, Jackie Kostichka, has created a series of six virtual workshops available in Spanish for seniors involved in the Milwaukee Beautiful Questions Project. These workshops are meant to aid people leading group sessions in-person. Each video includes a movement warm-up led by Jackie, who is also a registered Dance/Movement Therapist, as well as a series of Beautiful Questions that are meant to spark conversation and self expression.
An Apple a Day
A young boy, Daniel, is sat on the sidewalk playing the accordion. He has a small red bowl in front of him for tips and spare change. He got the accordion as a gift for his birthday before the school year. He loves his music teacher, who inspires him to feed his love for all...
Annual Bake Off
Imogen and Isla are setting up their table at their county’s annual bake-off. The two twins have been doing the bake-off together every year since they turned 16. They grew up baking with their grandmother and continued her legacy of competing at the bake-off once they were old enough to compete on their own. They...
Snowy Dog Day
It’s snowing in a family neighborhood. There is a young boy named Xavier, around age nine or ten, holding a snow ball. He’s outside with a small dog, the family dog that he’s grown up with. He’s an only child so he plays with the family dog often. Their feet crunch in the snow as...
A Run on the Beach
Wonda just learned how to swim. She was so happy, she ran to tell her friends. While she was running, her dog grabbed her shirt. She didn’t care, she was so proud of her accomplishment. While she was telling her friends, they noticed a storm rolling in. Wonda took her dog and they ran home....
Winter Time
It is a cold winter day. The boys name is John and John is looking for a playmate. He wants to go sledding or at least have a snowball fight. John cannot seem to find anyone. However, he sees sled tracks all over. So he continues to look around for a friend. He cannot find...
They are so guilty.
The dog, whose name is Arnie, and his friend the cat, whose name is Rusty, were very busy one morning. Linda found her pets, the morning after she decorated for Chrismas. Arnie and Rusty looked SO guilty as they stood next to the Christmas tree. Arnie tried to suck up to his owner, whereas the...
The Christmas Bandits
It looks like an animal knocked over a christmas tree. The cat was trying to get a shiny ornament. My cats knocked over a tree the first time I had them. It looks like this happened in a house in a living room. Christmas wasn’t fully set up, and then the animals knocked it over....
Somebody’s Having Picinic
The person on the right-hand side is coming to visit. His name is Freddy. Freddy is visiting the owner of the house who happens to be old friends. They are going to have a barbeque. And they are playing in the background – the little girl and another person in the background. Playing on the...
Fallen Tree
They didn’t take the tree out to the garbage, so it fell over. The tree was heavy and it went over. This dog is sitting there and doesn’t know what the heck is happening. The cat just sits there. There are storage boxes filled with ornaments. Nobody wants their tree on the ground. The dog...
A Dilemma-Stop in the Street
There is a woman at a shopping area. She is saying “Where did I put it?” She is looking in a suitcase. She is bringing candy for the animals. Or maybe she just bought something and is putting it in the suitcase. It looks like a book. She was going to read it or put...
Snow Day
What a glorious winter day with no school! It’s the perfect day for a kid to enjoy the snow outside on a coveted “snow day”. Two school aged friends and a dog are enjoying a foot of snow in their neighborhood, near the front sidewalk. It’s a day filled with fun making snow forts, throwing...
Snow Day
What a glorious winter day with no school! It’s the perfect day for a kid to enjoy the snow outside on a coveted “snow day”. Two school aged friends and a dog are enjoying a foot of snow in their neighborhood, near the front sidewalk. It’s a day filled with fun making snow forts, throwing...
Ahh, Sweet Love
He is going to get married to this lady for Valentines Day. Love, Tammy, Joy. She could be called Love. She could be called Charity. Surprise! Coy, she is kind of like, I don’t know what’s coming. I think I know. I’m fantasizing. Hoping. A diamond ring, a green diamond. She’s fantasizing about a ring,...
Snow Day from School
Today Scotty didnt have school because of the snow storm last night. Bufflo around this time of year is very very cold. Sometimes groups of kids from the same street get together and climb up this hill and go play in the snow. You can hear the sound of foot prints being made because the...
A warmer day
These kids all live on the same street and even go to school together. Today was sorta a warm day for the winter so they are playing with Bubbles inside of making a snowman. Their names are Tommy , Sara and Jojo. They have grown up together living on the side street almost one house...
Snow Day
The dog and the boy are playing in the snow. The boy has made a perfect snwball and is ready to throw it, his dog is waiting patiently. As he throws it, the dogs runs to chase it. The snowball breaks on impact and the dog is confused as to where it went.
The Hunt for the Toy
“Have you seen my ball?” asked the dog, Henry, of Samson the cat. “I haven’t seen it but the humans just brought in that new toy holder so maybe it’s there,” said Samson. The two head into th living room to check the new toy holder aka the Christmas Tree. Samson spots a ball towards...
Ice Bubbles
The sun was out in the neighborhood and the snow was melting. The neighborhood kids came out the play and one brought bubbles. The prepared the wands and began to run, the bubbles flowing behind them. AS the played it got colder and some of the bubbles began to grow ice, twinkling in the sun.