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Stories from Around the World
A Horse Walks Into a Bar
Sarah's in the bushes past the lawn, in the national park ready for action. Courage and Curiosity in her expression, she knows how to ride a horse and far ahead she sees a little un-known figure emerging, the closer it gets she notes its a man with brown wavy hair named Stuart he shouts "lets get this show on the road." Sarah's outfit makes her look experianced, so she grabs her lasso and goes to rope the horse, while also roping Stuart for a ride together, they put the horses shoes on and ride it home to the family barn. This marked the start of a love affair. After arrving home it was time to eat! First Sarah and Stuart feed their new horse Trigger some oats & hay, while her mom Edna is in the kitchen making beef stew, her dad joe is out back chopping wood for the fire, and Sarah goes to gather sticks to keep the fire going but UH-Oh Stuart cant even get the fire started, but its fun to watch him try! Are they ever going to eat? Edna runs out the kitchen to get the fire going, Stuart feels embarrased, while sarah feels embarassed for him. Once Edna finished the beef stew it was time to eat! They bring their stew outside to eat on the picknic table, they sit and enjoy the enviorment, the sun is shining and their having a good time, untill rain and dark storm clouds roll in. They bring their dinner indoors on the family farm to finish their stew. Their tummys are full and start a game of monopoly, Stuart is winning the board, and is gaining the families respect back, while it continues raining outside. After their game it was time to sing songs in round like row row row your boat! Stuart and Sarah decided to run out into the storm to check on Trigger, and to their surprise hes gone! Sarah and Stuart set off to find Trigger by using their horse call "Neigh, Neigh" they yell through the night. They cant seem to find Trigger, so they ask themselves were would a horse go, and decide to check the local stables, but they dont find him so they go home to say a prayer, and let her parents know they lost the horse. Edna starts to cry, and Joe storms out leaving Edna, Sarah, and Stuart in the house. Joe goes to the local bar in hopes to find the horse, and there Trigger was drinking a beer. Trigger and Joe toast to a job well done and drink untill last call, then head on home. When Joe and Trigger walk inside, they see that Sarah, Edna, and Stuart threw a welcome home party for Trigger. Sarah and Stuart fell in love and lived happily ever after. THE END!
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