Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Arthurs Lament! or Anne’s Gold Star!
A story by Edna, Elsie, Robert, Michelle, Carol, Grahaeme. Doreen,Wilma, Anne, Gordon, Ellen and Kirsty.
Mornay Way ,Shotts,North Lanarkshire
April 2023
Do you know who he reminds me of? My Grandfather.
Strange that, quite emotional.
Walking down the hill on his way to work , he fell.
I had to hide. I was told not to laugh!
Grandad's name? Arthur!
We cannae sing Elvis! 🎵...She Cries..😢
He's going to the pub..
He's going to collect his lottery ticket! He's dropped it!! See at his feet!!
He looks like he's got a tackety boot!
Boots with steel nails. Hob Nail Boots!
Does he work in the pub?
I doubt it by the look of him.
I bet he's going for his pension, he could be going to the bank
It's all online now..paid into your bank
He needs to go to the computer class on a Thursday!
He wanted to go to his GP but he couldn't get an appointment.
He's going down the Tank Brae for his Buckfast!
Remember Eldorado? That wine makes you sick! 🤮
The old guy was wishing he had the wings of a butterfly then he could get rid of his stick!
Ellen!! He's younger than you! So is she!
I just hope his name's not Arthur..
We're done.
The End
I think he's going to the bookies
I think he's going to mass! Waiting for God! He's got his wings.
He can hear the traffic! Depends if his hearing aid is working!
I hope Arthur's not up there watching me....
It's wuite a modern crutch, more recent than you think..
And he was turned down for mobility!
I bet he's not as old as we think!
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