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Stories from Around the World
I love Dionne Warwick- The Autumn Singer
A Story by Craig, Maureen, Karen, Karen, Nikki, Sammy, Ann, Gordon, Fiona
Castle Gait Manor April 2023
She’s heartbroken, aye Heartbroken
It would be autumn, the colour of the leaves.
I think she’s trying to sing.
Sing an Abba song, jazzing it up.
🎵”Dancing Queen, young and sweet only seventeen”🎵
🎵”Mama Mia, here I go again. my my” 🎵
I know it but I cannae mind it
🎵Waterloo, finally facing my Waterloo🎵
🎵Can you hear the drums Fernando? 🎵
🎵Money, Money, Money..must be funny! 🎵
🎵Like a Super Trooper, lights are gonna find me shining like the sun 🎵
Playing the music cheers her up.
Her favourite colour is blue
She looks like Dionne Warwick, we’ll give her a different name-Ann.
She was crying, she picked up her guitar.
Her boyfriend has cheated on her!!
She is upset, singing is the only thing that cheers her up
She’s got blue eyeshadow, lipstick, the strap of her guitar is bluey purpley
Blue shoes and socks
There’s a woman on the guitar.
We want happiness for her. Happiness.
I do, but I don’t know how.
Someone could walk by and give her a record deal, but will this make her happy?
It will if she stays away from her ex.
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