Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Marian is at the beach. She is 15 years old. She has just come from home, she is happy, and she's looking to get something she wants. She says, "Look at me! Here I come!" She's stretching and enjoying the sunshine.
It is Saturday, in the sand, in the summertime.
Marian's mother told her to go watch others at the beach. The kids run along the water's edge. Marian calls to her mother, "Mom come play with us and watch me!"
The buildings in the back are where beachgoers get things for the beach, and Marian just got a hairdo there.
The little girl behind them is watching. She is her longer-haired sister or it could be her mother. Marian's mother is the one who made her dress. They are both pleased with it, and the girl behind them loves her dress too.
Her mother said, "go out in the sand with all the people," and she is very satisfied. She's happy with Marian going alone.
Her brother took the photo.
Written by Mary Claire and Elaine at All Saints Memory Care in Madison, WI.
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