Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Mary Jiving at the Gala
A story by Lynn, Ella, Nina, Moira, George, Mary, Jim, Valerie, Mary and Flo
Chambers Court January 2024
She’s jiving! Jiving to the Jive Bunny!!
She’s jiving to
🎵How much is that doggie in the window🎵
How’s she feeling?
Ella says she is very Happy
“I like the way she’s got her legs” says Nina
“I’ve done it myself years ago- Great Days!”
They were dancing at the institute
She was at the gala with Charlie and The Queen
Braw legs, She’s jiving!
She’s off the to the pub next of a wee dram
She’s dancing to ‘Brown Eyed Girl’ on the juke Box
🎵 do do do do do, do do do do do🎵
There’s a piper there!
It’s a trombone
She’s on the dance floor
She’s come to the gala with her boyfriend
Her boyfriend’s at the bookies!!
Her name is Mary, her boyfriend is called Jock
And she didn’t see him again
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