Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
Off The Hook
By the storytellers at Emerson House at River Pointe, Garden City Idaho
He’s obviously doing all the talking, and none of the listening.
That’s an old phone. I don’t think that phone is going any further than it is.
He’s got his feet on the sawhorse. His name is Pepper.
It looks like a garage or storage area in the background.
I think I’ll keep going, and see what happens.
Maybe he lives there and they call him on the phone?
He’s barking into the phone.
Is he calling home or calling for a mate?
He’s already home, on his farm.
I hear the dog saying, “Bow wow! Answer the phone!”
Maybe he’s calling for take-out food, Papa Murphy’s. “I need a pizza!”
Or Chinese food, or dog food.
There’s a goal post or a light in the background.
Someone put a sawhorse there to sit on.
He watched how the people answered the phone and that’s how he learned how to do it, or he had a few too many.
He’s got a girlfriend on the other end. He’s a smart dog, just like the rest of us dogs.
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