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Stories from Around the World
Pleasant Run Parkway
It's a cold winter afternoon in Indianapolis, Indiana, and here we are on Pleasant Run Parkway with Jerry and his dog, Betsy. Betsy is a smart dog, and the neighborhood kids love playing with her. On occasion, Betsy will even walk Jerry to school! These childhood days are carefree, and Jerry only has two things to focus on: School and friendships.
It's 1945, and Jerry has finished his day at school. He goes door to door looking for friends to play with him before it gets dark, and he needs to head home for dinner. To Jerry's dismay, all the other neighborhood kids were stuck doing 'homework or chores' and couldn't play. Jerry doesn't like his school work or chores, 'He's no good at that.'
Jerry continues playing with Betsy, who is very excited and keeps jumping up on Jerry and getting his clothes dirty! Jerry laughs and talks out loud to Betsy, and as he does, he hears his echo bouncing in the nearby corridor between neighborhood houses. Cars drive by slowly; Jerry listens to the slushy snow under the tires; this sound is a different sound than when a car drives over freshly fallen snow, which sounds crunchy...
It's COLD! and getting colder as the sun goes down
Jerry heads home for dinner and gets a 'talking to' from his mother because he's so dirty. We all know this is Betsy's fault, but Jerry knows the Betsy excuse won't work! Dinner is potatoes, meat and 'like usual,' milk. Jerry has dinner with his mother and father, and Betsy sits by his feet, waiting for Jerry to 'sneak food' to her.
Jerry then heads upstairs to bed, where Betsy joins him, and they fall asleep. As Jerry dozes off to sleep, he reflects on his day and is excited for the day to come, a day that will look a lot like today! Again, Jerry is carefree; he has little to worry about and looks forward to doing it all again tomorrow. Tomorrow, Jerry will focus on school and friends!
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