Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The Christmas Cock up
A look of innocence.
"I didn't do it, it was the cat"
The dog's blaming the cat and the cat's blaming the dog.
"Where are OUR Christmas gifts?"
"What's the matter?"
Their names are Ginger (the cat) and Rascal
There's a handbag, it's Valerie's.
She's just gone out for a while.
There has been playtime, destruction and trouble.
"The dog's name is Whoopsie" says Valerie.
It's the other cat in the corner who got flattened by the tree.
The Christmas decorations are great play things.
They're feeling smug and nervous.
There's noting to eat.
The Christmas cheer is gone.
The door is creaking.
They're looking at Valerie, they're all looking at her.
"You're in trouble" says Valerie.
You've actually got it all wrong. They're actually protecting the tree from the intruder.
The dog just said, "I just cocked my leg".
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