Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The One Who Got Away
Mary Jane was visiting her cousin Tom, in the countryside.
They were in Whitehall, Michigan, by the river.
The green trees were blooming in the Spring.
Mary Jane and Tom were sitting under the tree dangling their feet by the river’s edge.
Mary Jane’s dog Joey was sitting beside Tom.
Mary Jane, Tom, and Joey were sitting on a riverbed.
They are fishing with a fishing rod and worms.
Tom is barefoot and wearing overalls and a farmer’s hat.
Mary Jane’s hair is braided with a big ribbon and she is wearing old red patent leather shoes.
Suddenly, Mary Jane is surprised.
She feels a pull on her fishing rod.
She’s caught a fish!
She’s very excited, and says, “Yippee! Oh my gosh!”
She starts to reel in the fish.
The can of worms falls over.
Joey peeks out from around Tom.
He looks afraid but curious.
Tom is scowling.
He is disappointed.
He is angry because he did not catch a fish.
Tom says to Mary Jane, “I’m going to help you get the fish off of the rod.”
She says, “thank you for helping me.”
As they are taking the fish off the hook, the fish jumps and goes “splash” back in the water.
He swims away.
They laugh and watch the fish swim away.
“Oh boy, I’m tired” says Tom.
“Let’s go home.” Says Mary Jane.
“My mother is making dinner. I think it’s fish.” Mary Jane said.
Mary Jane, Tom, and Joey all head home.
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