Make Up a Story
Stories from Around the World
The Sky Song
A story by Chic, Margaret M, Joyce, Dave, Margaret O, Malcolm and Isa
Tay View February 2024
Two Lovely Penguins walking together hand in hand.
Companionship, Friendship.
They can see the sea, the trees!
They are looking for fish, Well Good.
They hear the Whale Song, and they see the stones along the top
They could be listening for other
Donald Duck and Minnie are their names!
And Mickey Mouse?
Oh no no no no!
He doesn’t look like a mouse
Minnie is watching..I dinnae ken what they are in the water are they birds? No!
They’re fish, there’s something else but I cannae make it out
They are going for a swim hand in hand- yes hand in hand
They look as if they are looking to the sky,
🎵Speed Bonnie Boat like a bird on the wing🎵
They are going to the pub for a brandy-no! they just want fish
Do they sell Fish and Chips in the pub No! That’s across the road!
And now they are going to go for a swim, together Hand in Hand
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