
Category: News

Create With Us!

How can we support and engage aging friends, family members, and neighbors who may be feeling lonely while we’re physically distancing from COVID-19?

We are inviting everyone to create with us!

We know how important it is that we all remain meaningfully engaged and connected, especially right now. Social isolation can lead to poor health. We want to create opportunities for us all to feel socially connected while we remain physically distant. We have opened up our voicemail to receive your responses to Beautiful Questions. A Beautiful Question is one that engages our minds and has no wrong answer. One in which we can all participate.

Here are a few Beautiful Questions you may ask a friend or respond to yourself:

What is your recipe for a good friendship?

What inspires you?

What are the sounds of your neighborhood?

What are the smells / tastes / sounds of Springtime?

Please visit our TimeSlips Creativity Center here for more Beautiful Questions and then call our Beautiful Question Voicemail and respond (1-800-220-1822, ext. 1). You’ll share which question(s) you are answering and, let us know the city and state you are calling from. Your response may be shared on our website or the radio.

Click here for terms and conditions related to our Beautiful Questions Audio Project.

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