What a Year it Has Been for TimeSlips!
November 6, 2019
Highlights from 2019
It has been a truly remarkable year. I’m including a few breathless highlights below along with some hints about how you can help TimeSlips reach more families. I hope they will inspire you to include us in your year-end donation plans!
1. I wrote a book! Publication date is May 12th, 2020.
Host a book party?
2. We produced three plays in collaboration with 12 rural Kentucky Nursing Homes.
Your donations help us bring meaning and joy to elders everywhere
3. We completely overhauled and launched a new website with new online training and branding.
Share our new animated “What is TimeSlips?” video with a friend
4. We launched our NextGen program to train high school and college students to bring creative engagement to elders. 13 campuses across the United States are part of this exciting pilot phase.
5. We launched our Tele-Stories program connecting artists and older adults by phone. Artists invite responses to create a story, poem or song.
Sponsor engagement for an elder – $199
6. We said good-bye to Kate Britton, our amazing COO, and hired a search firm to help us find our first Full-Time Executive Director.
Support our general operations! We have incredible grants and program funds, but supporting our core team is crucial to our growth.
7. We made a prototype for “Turn this Into Art,” a new service for families to send their stories to a student artist who creates a frame-worthy work of art and emails it back to them.
Sponsor our Innovation Fund, which develops new programs like this one!
Breathtaking right? I can’t thank the TimeSlips team enough. They are deeply connected to our mission and our culture of play and creativity. And of course, I thank you – our donors – without whom none of this incredible burst of activity would be possible.
As an extra incentive – donors of $500 or more will get a copy of the book The Adventures of the League of the Righteous – a collaboration between artist Emma Daisy and the participants at St. Ann’s Intergenerational Day Center at Milwaukee’s Bucyrus campus – as they shaped and shared their “super-hero” stories over the last year.